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Please describe the people who become unmarriageable through suckling.

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed
Translated by Ustadha Zaynab Ansari, SunniPath Academy Teacher

Please describe the people who become unmarriageable through suckling.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Translated by Umm Salah

There are three parties to suckling: the infant (male or female), the wet nurse, and the owner of the milk, and he is the person whose lawful intercourse with the woman occasioned her milk and with whom she has a child.

The only people who become unmarriageable from the infant’s side are his descendants: his children and his children’s children, male and female. As to his ancestors, meaning, his father [and grandfathers] and his mother [and grandmothers], and his extensions, meaning, his brothers and sisters, paternal uncles and aunts, and maternal uncles and aunts, they have no part in the prohibition of marriage through suckling the infant child.

Consequently, it is permissible for the infant’s brother to marry the daughter of his brother’s wet nurse because she is considered a foreign [marriageable] woman. Likewise, the infant’s father may marry his son’s wet nurse because she is not prohibited to him. Likewise, the owner of the milk, that is, the father through suckling, can marry the mother of the infant.

As to the wet nurse, she becomes unmarriageable for the infant and his descendants because she becomes their mother. The prohibition extends from her side to her ancestors, meaning,her father [and grandfathers] and mother [and grandmothers]. Thus her father becomes the grandfather of the infant and his descendants. And her mother becomes the grandmother of the infant and his descendants.

The prohibition also extends to the descendants of the wet nurse, meaning, her children and her children’s children, male and female, who become the infant’s brothers and the children of his brothers.

The prohibition also extends to the wet nurse’s extensions, including her brothers, sisters, paternal uncles and aunts, and maternal uncles and aunts. Thus, her brother becomes the infant’s uncle, her sister the infant’s aunt, her paternal uncle the infant’s paternal uncle, her paternal aunt the infant’s paternal aunt, her maternal uncle the infant’s maternal uncle, and her maternal aunt the infant’s maternal aunt.

As for the owner of the milk, he becomes unmarriageable for the infant because he becomes the infant’s father. The prohibition extends from his side to the same individuals mentioned on the wet nurse’s side with the same details. Thus, the prohibition extends to the ancestors of the owner of the milk, as well as his descendants, siblings, uncles, and aunts. There is no difference in the prohibition among the descendants of the wet nurse and the owner of the milk between the children the infant nursed with and those he did not. Thus, for example, if a woman had two daughters, Fatima and Zaynab, and the infant nursed from this woman along with her daughter Fatima, then Fatima and Zaynab become unmarriageable for him, and it is not permitted for him to marry either of them, as opposed to whatsome laypeople believe that the prohibition is only specific to the child the infant nursed with, i.e, Fatima.

And Allah alone gives success.

االسؤال : هل يمكن بيان الأشخاص الذين يحرمون من الرضاع ؟
الجواب : للرضاع ثلاثةُ أطراف وهم : الرضيعُ ( وهو الولد الذكر أو الأنثى ) ، والمرضعة ، وصاحب اللبن وهو الشخصُ الذي ثار لبنُ المرأة بسبب وطئه غير المحرم وولدت له .
أما الرضيعُ فلا يحرم من جهته إلا فروعُه فقط وهم : أولادُه وأولادُ أولاده الذكور والإناث ، أما أصولُه أي : أباؤه وأمهاته ، وكذلك حواشيه وهم إخوته وأخواته وأعمامه وعماته وأخواله وخالاته فلا دخلَ لهم في التحريم بالرضاع من جهة الولد الرضيع .
وعليه فيجوز لأخي الرضيع التزوج من بنت مرضعة أخيه لأنها أجنبية عنه ، وكذلك لأبي الرضيع التزوج من مرضعة ولده لأنها لا تحرم عليه ، ويجوز أيضاً لصاحب اللبن وهو الأب من الرضاع أن يتزوج أم الرضيع .
وأما المرضعة فتحرم هي على الرضيعِ وفروعِهِ فتصير له أماً ، وينتشر التحريمُ من جهتها أيضاً إلى أصولها أي : أبائها وأمهاتها ، فيصير أبوها جدَّ الطفل الرضيعِ وفروعِه ، وتصير أمُّها جدتَه وجدةَ فروعه أيضاً . وكذلك ينتشر التحريم إلى فروع المرضعة أي أولادها وأولاد أولادها الذكور والإناث فيصير هؤلاء إخوةَ الرضيع وأولادَ إخوته .
وأيضاً ينتشر التحريم إلى حواشيها وهم إخوتها وأخواتها وأعمامها وعماتها وأخوالها وخالاتها ، فيصير أخوها خالَ الرضيع ، وأختُها خالتَه ، ويصير عم المرضعة عمّاً للرضيع وكذلك عمتها تصير عمة له ، ويصير خالها خالاً للرضيع وخالتُها خالةً له .
وأما صاحب اللبن فيحرم هو على الرضيعِ فيصير له أباً ، وينتشر التحريم من جهته إلى الأشخاص المذكورين في جهة المرضعة بنفس التفصيل من غير فرق ، فينتشر التحريم إلى أصول صاحب اللبن وفروعه ، وحواشيه كما تقدم في المرضعة .
ولا فرق في التحريم فيمن ذكرناهم من فروعِ المرضعة وصاحب اللبن بين مَن رَضَعَ معه الطفلُ وبين مَن لم يرضع معه ؛ فلو كان لامرأةٍ بنتان فاطمة وزينب ، فرضع طفلٌ من هذه المرأة مع بنتها فاطمة فنقول : قد حرمت عليه فاطمةُ وزينب فلا يجوز له أن يتزوج بزينب كما لا يجوز له التزوج من فاطمة ، خلافاً لما يعتقده بعضُ العوام من أن التحريم خاصٌّ بمن يرضعُ معه الطفل فقط ، وهو فاطمة في المثال المذكور .

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