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Using photocopy machine for personal stuff without taking permission from the administration, i

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

I was photocopying some things for my father, using the high school photocopy machine, without permission from the administration. I think had I asked them, they would not have given permission. Is this considered stealing? What do I do now? Is the quantity of the photocopies significant?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Using the property of another in the absence of his or her permission or assumption of his or her consent is haram and one must repent from it.

Taking something in this manner is not considered stealing (sariqa), unless it is secretly taken from a place meeting the security requirements normal for safeguarding similar articles, this varying with the type of article. If the taking is not in this manner, then it is not called stealing (sariqa), rather it is wrongfully taken property (ghasb), which is also haram.

However, stealing necessitates the prescribed legal penalty (hadd), namely cutting the hand, provided the price of the stolen property reaches 1/4 Golden Dinar, unlike wrongfully taking property which does not necessitate any prescribed legal penalty (hadd).

In either case, it is obligatory for you to return the photocopying machine if you have not yet done so. In addition, you are responsible for repaying the amount that is normally charged for renting a similar machine for the period during which you were using the machine.

Amjad Rasheed

(Translated by Lida Kahi)

السؤال: كنتُ أصوِّر أشياءَ لوالدي في آلة تصوير الثانوية من غير إذن من الإدارة ، وأظنّ أني لو سألتُهم لا يأذنون ، فهل يعتبرُ هذا سرقةً ؟ وماذا أفعل الآن ؟ وهل لكميّة التصوير أثر ؟ الجواب : استعمالُ أشياء الغير من غير إذنه ولا ظنِّ رضاه بذلك حرامٌ تجب التوبة منه ، ولا يكون أخذُ ذلك سرقةً إلا إن أُخِذَ من حِرْزِ مثله خفية ، وحِرْزُ المثل هو : المكانُ الذي يُعتاد وضع المتاع فيه ، وهذا يختلف من متاع لآخر . فإن لم يكن الأخذ كذلك فلا يسمى سرقة بل هو غصبٌ وهو حرام أيضاً ، لكن السرقة توجب الحدَّ وهو قطع اليد إن كانت قيمةُ المسروق تبلغ ربعَ دينار ذهب ، بخلاف الغصب فلا حدَّ فيه . وعلى كلٍّ فالواجبُ عليك ردُّ الآلة إن لم تردَّها ، وعليك أجرةُ مثلِ المدةِ التي وَضَعْت فيها يدَك على الآلة .

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