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What is the proof for the unlawfulness of talfiq? And what is its exact definition?

Answered as per Shafi'i Fiqh by Qibla.com

Answered by Shaykh Amjad Rasheed

What is the proof for the unlawfulness of talfiq? And what is its exact definition?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Talfiq is when a person joins between the sayings of two mujtahid imams in his worship or business whereby he produces a composed ruling which neither of the two imams agree with. The erudite scholar, Ibn Ziyad al-Yamani has restricted the impermissibility of talfiq to a single issue, such as the wudu. This is in contrast to the Shaykh Ibn Hajar who said that impermissible talfiq can occur in a single issue or even two issues, such as wudu and the prayer. It is therefore not permissible according to Ibn Hajar to follow the Shafi‘i school in prayer when one’s wudu is not valid according to the Shafi‘i school, such as when one touches a non-mahram (unmarriageable person of the opposite sex) [h: and does not repeat one’s wudu] and follows the the Hanafi school in wudu. Rather, one must pray as a Hanafi in this case, as well, just as one followed their school for the wudu. As for Ibn Ziyad, according to him, that is permissible because they [s. wudu and prayer] are two separate issues.

The proof for the unlawfulness of talfiq is clear. The person who is piecing together two sayings is either a mujtahid whose ijtihad led him to this position, or he is not a mujtahid, but only a follower. In the terminology of the scholars of usul (principles of jurisprudence), a follower is anyone who is not a mujtahid in rulings [s. of Islamic law] even if he reaches a high level of knowledge and fiqh. The mujtahid is not obligated to follow anyone; whatever conclusion he reaches with his ijtihad, he must follow it. As for a follower, he must follow a mujtahid imam. So when he performs worship or conducts business while combining between two schools or more, he has invented for himself a new school of thought and he is not even of the people of ijtihad. Thus, he is not acting by a school that is relied upon, because if he were to ask each mufti whose position he followed [h: when piecing together the act] about the entire [h: pieced together] act of worship, or business, [s. the mufti] would not be able to give a fatwa that his action was valid because he violated something that was a condition of validity according to him. And this is playing around with the religion as the erudite scholar, Abd al Ghani al Nabulsi said in his book, “Khulasa al-Tahqiq fi bayan hukm al-taqlid wa al-talfiq” (p. 56).

– Amjad Rasheed

(Translated by Shazia Ahmad)

السؤال: ما دليلُ حرمة التلفيق ؟ وما هو تعريفُه الدقيق ؟ الجواب : التلفيقُ هو أن يجمع الشخصُ بين قولين لمجتهدَين في عبادة أو معاملة بحيث يتولد منهما حقيقة مركبة لا يقول بها صاحباهما . وقد حصر العلامةُ ابنُ زياد اليمني صورةَ التلفيق الباطلة فيما لو وقعت في قضية واحدة كالوضوء ، بخلاف الشيخ ابن حجر فجعل صورة التلفيق الباطلة واقعة في قضية وقضيتين كالوضوء والصلاة فلا يجوز عند ابن حجر أن يخلّ المتوضئ في الوضوء على مذهب الشافعي كأن يمس أجنبية تقليداً للحنفية ويصلي على الشافعي أيضاً بل يلزمه عنده تقليدُ الحنفية في الصلاة أيضاً كما قلدهم في الوضوء ، أما عند ابن زياد فيجوز ذلك لأنهما قضيتين مختلفتين . والدليلُ على حرمة التلفيق واضحٌ ؛ وذلك أن الملفقَ بين قولين إما أن يكون مجتهداً أداه اجتهاده إلى ذلك ، أو لا يكون مجتهداً بل هو عاميٌّ ، والعامي في مصطلح الأصوليين هو غير المجتهد في الأحكام وإن بلغ رتبةً من العلم والفقه . فالمجتهدُ لا يلزمه تقليدُ أحدٍ فما وصل إليه باجتهاده فعليه العملُ به ، أما العامي فيلزمه تقليدُ مجتهد ، فمتى عمل عبادة أو معاملة ملفقةً من مذهبين أو أكثر صار مخترعاً له مذهباً خاصاً وليس هو من أهل الاجتهاد ، فلا يكون عاملاً بمذهب معتمد ، لأنه لو سأل كلَّ مفتٍ ممن قلد قولَه عن جملة تلك العبادة أو المعاملة لما ساغ له الإفتاءُ بصحتها لفقد شروط صحتها عنده ، وهذا تلاعبٌ في الدين كما قال العلامةُ عبد الغني النابلسي في كتابه “خلاصة التحقيق في بيان حكم التقليد والتلفيق” (ص 56)

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