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Answers indexed from: Hanafi Fiqh


Second Nikah

Refusing Itr (Scent)

Legal Status of Wasting Resources

Islamic Ruling On Beating Ones Wife

Method of Using the Miswaak

Sunnah Prayers of Jummuah Salah

My husband wants me to wear nail polish all the time. What should I do?

Women’s prayer

Why Are There Differently-Worded Narrations To One Hadith?

What are the six kalimas?

Where Can I Buy Jinn Rock?

Visiting Friends Who are not Particular about Zabihah Meat

I was in a lesson and we were watching a video which had nudity and sex e.t.c, so i put my head down and didn’t watch the video. As far as i know in islam it is forbiden. Is that true? The video wasn’t important. After the lesson I was told to stay behind and the tutor had a word with me, and I told him the reason, he said it was rubish, and that if it is true he wants evidence.

Using Albani Editions Of Hadith Works To Memorize Hadiths