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Answers indexed from: Mahmoodiyah

Interviewing a Prospective Bride

The Kitaab ‘Jadeed Fiqhi Mabaahith’

Collective Du’aa After Fardh Salaah

Allocation of Shares to Heirs

Is Alcohol Halaal?

Leather Socks and a Flowing Wound

Question: ASAK, I want to know how should I calculate the Zakaah, Last year year my earnings were let assume my bank balance is $10,000 and lets say i paid the Zakaah for it. This year my bank balance is $20,000. How much Zakaah should i pay. Is it for additional $10000 that i earned after paying the last year Zakaah? or Is it for net $20000? Please educate. Wassalaam  

Female Circumcision, etc.

Permissibility of White Gold Jewellery

Usage of Gold and Silver Teeth

Is It Sunnah to have Nits and Lice?

Who is an ‘Aalim?

Rewards for Eating Salt before Meals

Muslim Schools and Lottery Money

Benefits of Eating Salt before Meals