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Answers indexed from: Daruliftaa.com

Smoking in Ihram

Have Salafis Taken over the Muslim World and Muslim Communities.

Reciting Verses from Surat al-Baqarah after Burying the Deceased

Is buying or selling pre-paid legal service permissible and has it been researched according to Shari’ah?

Nose-Bleed and Wudhu

Is it Necessary to Marry? The Legal Ruling on Marriage

Monetary Penalties on Late Payment

Marriage within One’s Caste

Islamic Perspective on Islamic and Ramadhan Radio Stations

Zakat on Business Wealth & Stock

Performing Tahajjud Prayers in Congregation (jama’ah)

Is Home Contents Insurance Unlawful?

My friend is in need of a debit card (interest free transactions)…but for him to obtain this he must upgrade to a new account. The new account offers many new features which come hand in hand with the upgrade such as, student discounts on flights, shopping vouchers, etc. what is worrying is that they offer health insurance and other insurance based schemes. Now these schemes are always available to him and come part of the package but he does not have to pay for them and although they are available to him, he can not use them if he wishes. As he needs the debit card, he doesn’t intend indulging in the haram schemes. Is it permissible to upgrade his account on this basis?

Is Shark Meat Halal?

Imam Husain’s going against Yazid & the Sunni view on Yazid.